Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Marathon Crop!

Saturday, Nov. 17th, was a "Christmas Crop", organized by Renee, Melisa and Ronda, at the Arts Center. We had plenty of room and there were quite a few ladies present.

Elfs Renee and Melisa were ready to get the show on the road when this photo was taken. Yup, the beginning of a loooong day!

Elf Ronda was ready to help those in need. Yup, she came to my rescue! What a gal!

Zona and Ronda working on one of our projects. It was so much fun!

Zona and myself with our finished Christmas Trees. I think this was one of my very favorite projects. Thank you girls for organizing all of this and taking all the time to put it together. It was so much fun to be with all of you again. Thank you, too, Zona for making it over from Ontario for all the fun!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Thank a Vet!

The service was held at Bishop Funeral Home in front of the Veteran's Memorials for all the wars.

Ms. Perry from BMCC sang the National Anthem and did a beautiful job!

Leslie Carnes, the Chamber Executive Director, gave the message.

Commander Tom Tangney during the ceremony.

Maxine Tangney placing the wreath on the memorial.

Taps....what more can be said.
I certainly hope everyone has the opportunity to "thank a Vet" today for all of our freedoms!

Childhood Church in Pilot Rock Burns

Photo by Teona Golden

This photo was taken from the back of the church. You can see the church is totally gone and the house next to it is gutted.

These photos were taken about 11:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, Nov. 11th. We had been having breakfast at Denny's and someone had told us about the fire...so after breakfast we went to Pilot Rock to view the damage. I was amazed, dazed, astounded at the loss!

I remember seeing my daughter, Tiah, and her "new" husband after their wedding on these steps! It just seems so final!

I couldn't resist this shot. The cornerstone of the church with the police tape in front...along with the black remains of the church on top of the cornerstone.

I guess the fire may have started in the church around 4-4:30 a.m. Neighbors across the street awoke to their dogs barking and went to quiet them. When opening their draperies they saw the church all aflame. The house next to the church (I remember as the Charlie Carnes home) was also destroyed.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

New Haircut.....Oh My!!!

This is Tucker this morning before I took him to the Vet's for a grooming/clipping. He had no idea what would be in store for him. I think he is so cute and inquisitive. This photo will always make me remember how he lost his "puppy" look!

Here he is "jumping for Joy...oops, I mean "toy" after his clipping. Earl couldn't believe how funny he looked!

Things are looking up Tucker! You are a big boy now with that grown-up look!

He is pretty handsome with his new look. Of course, they gave me his "report card" after the grooming when I picked him up and said he was good..."for the first clipping in his life"! Hmmmmmmmmmm, I wonder what they will say next time. I think he probably didn't hold still much for them because I could see some pretty peculiar cuts in his hair (not skin) with the clippers on his head. I am assuming that he shook his head and growled/barked/and snapped all he could! Good Boy!!!