Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Paddy's Day at the Rainbow

Well, for those of you who have never experienced the traditional celebration of St. Patrick's Day at the Rainbow in Pendleton, you have totally missed out on one of Pendleton's fun experiences. With the time change, it seems like it is 0 dark 30 before the fun begins, but before you know it everyone is inside singing, raising a glass or two, eating breakfast, dancing and just having fun. Next year you need to plan on attending. The parade starts at 6:55 in the morning...don't be late!

Rolinda and Yolanda are waiting for the parade to begin. Now, don't they look like they are dressed for a great time....wearing of the GREEN!

The excitement mounts outside the Rainbow as everyone is waiting for the parade to begin.
Here comes the shortest parade in history. It happens every year, one half block, from Hamley's to the Rainbow!

The proclamation is being made..."Let's Drink" resounds down Main Street and everyone enters the Rainbow Cafe and Bar for the beginning of a great St. Patrick's Day! Isn't is funny how everyone can become Irish on this day?!!!

Here is Me and Yolanda ... ready to begin our fun morning!

The staff is busy mixing those FREE Irish Coffees!

What a fun place to be.

Here is Jill Heffner's group next to our table.

All the ladies got a green carnation corsage and everyone received FREE Irish Coffees! Boy, were they mixed STRONG! I had two....oops....did I say that?!!! What a way to start St. Paddy's Day!

Gina belted out a wonderful "Danny boy!"

Gina dancing with Shaw!

Joanne...what a green 'stash you have!

This is Joe Lysek's table. Lots of fun going on here.

Cheers Rolinda! We hope you all had a wonderful time!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Miss Megan's Basketball Tournament on Sunday

Geez, do you think this could be a foul?!

Trying to make it at the "Charity Line".

Arms up Megan!
Megs getting her pin as her team won second place.
Happy Megan with her pin.

Miss Megan's team won second place at the Battle in the Blues basketball tournament last weekend. We were able to watch her play on Sunday and got to see her get her pin. She played on Saturday, but I was in Haines for the big Birthday Party! Good job Megan!!!

Birthday Fun at the Haines Steakhouse!

What a wonderful rib eye steak! Ummmmmmm, it was soooooooooo good!

Here is Zona with her "piece of birthday cake".

These three gals came out with a cow bell and sang "Happy Birthday" to both Zona and myself. It was worth a laugh or two!

This last Saturday was my big day and I had the opportunity of meeting up with my "bestest" friend at the Haines Steakhouse for dinner. We went there last year and had a blast so figured we would do it again. It was soooooo much fun and the food was fan-tab-u-lous!!!! The wait staff was perfect and our time was a "ten" on a scale of one to ten!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Time for a change....

OK...ok.....I just had to do something different. You know, you get in a rut...you need a change....well...I did it! Miss Adrienne at Ooh La La Salon gave me a new look! I actually like it!!! Just thought I would share. I know I am going to get stares from folks around town. You should have seen the reactions at VFW last night after I had it done! Wow! Most of them thought it looked funny and laughed! Well....I NEVER!!!! Have a great day...I know I will!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sunday Fun!!!

Sunday we ventured to Union to watch Miss Megan play basketball. It was great to see how much she has improved! Her team won both games!!! Here Pilot Rock gets the rebound. Megs is number 8.

Our Miss Megs got this one!

Megan is shooting for two!

Up for two more!

Traveling over the Blues we met up with the snow plow. Of course, they were sanding at the same time!!!! Lots of gravel hit the car.

Meacham wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. About an hour earlier it was snowing like crazy on this stretch of the road.

Rocket (Jerry's new dog) went with us to the game. He is about 8 weeks old and is a beautiful German Shepherd. Here he is giving me the "brown eyes"!

We stopped along the side of the road to give Rocket a "rest". Here he is with Jer and Beau. He is beginning to grow into his ears. Soon they will be standing tall.
After the game everyone came to the house for a chicken dinner. Calli and Raegan even came over from Baker City. It was fun to have everyone together. Thanks guys!

Friday, March 6, 2009


Tucker and I both couldn't believe we woke up to snow this morning! Wow! March is always full of surprises, huh?

The pussy willows in my back yard are just about ready to bust open. Here they are covered with a little ice and snow.

My poor garden looks pretty sad, but was dressed up with snow this morning. Let's hope that we don't have anymore of this stuff. After all, I have crocus, daffodils, rhubarb, etc. all popping out of the ground!!! Eek!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's 2A State Basketball!!!!

On this bright, sunny day...2A State Basketball Playoffs begin in Pendleton, OR. Wow! Check out this line of fans at the Convention Center...Whew!

Pilot Rock Fans are getting geared up for a great contest! Go Rockets!

F-I-G-H-T!!! Fight Rockets, Fight!

I think everyone from Pilot Rock made it to the game today!

Two more!

The Rocket Cheering section did a great job supporting their team.

Tournament action.

Up for two!

It's too bad the Rockets lost. They were behind at the half by about twenty points, but then in the third quarter they came within 7 points! What excitement! Anyway, they will play tomorrow morning at 9 am. I will be there to cheer them on...GO ROCKETS!

Ode to a gentle soul!

This is an ode to one of the coolest dogs I have known. He lived a long life, fifteen years, but touched many people along his life's journey. You see, Dallas or "D" Dog, as we called him, was put to sleep yesterday....a sad day indeed. It is tough to lose a pal such as Dallas, but he left all of his family with such loving memories! He was a dog that had collected many, many "frequent flier" miles as his family moved from place to place because they were in the Air Force. I, myself, flew with him from Boise to San Antonio once. He took it all in stride and had many kisses for everyone at each destination. He loved to play, chase cars by the fence and collect the many scratches and pets from everyone he could. We loved him very much and he will truly be missed. I remember Christmas 2005 when he slipped out the door when no one was looking and we lost him! It was Christmas Eve no less! We all got flashlights together and went around the neighborhood calling his name. We put an ad in the paper and finally found him after two days had passed. He had traveled across Southgate and down past McKay School!!! He didn't live in Pendleton, he was visiting with Jerry from California at the time so he didn't know the area, it was dark and rainy!!! The family that found him took very good care of him and we were all very appreciative. Wow! It could have been such a bummer, but he made it back home safe and sound. Thanks, Dallas, for the wonderful memories!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Jerry is back from the Middle East!!!

Jerry came home on Sunday....made it in time to watch Megs play a basketball game. We are soooo glad he is back from the Middle East. It is supposed to be his very last time over in that area, as this has been his THIRD time over there and he is ready to retire! Go Jer! In this photo Megs is making a great rebound!

Here Jerry is with all his kiddies! Happy group!

Dad and son! What a couple!

Megs show us her style. Wow! What a shooter!
It was a fun day...we got to see Jerry (he is staying for a few weeks to visit) and Meg's team won the game. Wow!