Monday, June 18, 2007

Weekend Helper!

This weekend was the "cleaning of the shed" as things had totally gone out of control! We took everything out of the shed and put things in piles of toss away, keep, etc. Then putting "like" things together and organizing them in the new CLEAN shed, we are very, very in control of things once again. Miss Megan was a great helper with the saddles! She wiped them down and made them look so clean. Thanks Meg! Can you believe we took over 600 pounds of junk out of that shed and hauled it off to the landfill?! Wow, it sure does accumulate, doesn't it?


Melisa Jo said...

and I thought I had a productive weekend. Way to go Trini.

Ronda said...

Oh my goodness Trini! Was there celebration going on after all the work was done? Not only is your helper a good one, she is super cute too! You are blessed!

Trini said...

Why, yes, there was celebrating after our chores were done! We dined out, but actually, Megan is saving for a "Nicki" (American Girl) doll and was earning money for it. She is almost at her goal...I'm so proud of her for sticking to it. It would have been pretty easy to buy it for her, but this way, she is learning how to achieve her goal! Go Meg!