Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Open House at the St. George Plaza in Pendleton

Yesterday there was an Open House at the St. George Plaza in Pendleton. It was fun seeing how they have remodeled the "old" rooms into very nice apartments. There will be about 40 units when it is all finished. We have been told that the units are already spoken for....great, huh? The Open House took us through two finished units. One was on the 2nd floor and another on the 6th. What a view!!! Thank you, Mr. Plute, for a wonderful glimps into the St. George!

This room, off the living area, will become an office. I just loved the high ceilings!
It was a dreary day so the fireplace made it nice and cozy.

Speaking of cozy, don't you just love this little bedroom. There was a wonderful, large, closet...just the kind I like!

What an inviting environment!

The kitchens were very nice, too.

Here is a view from the 6th floor. You could keeps tabs on everyone coming and going at the Great Pacific!!!

One of the guest bedrooms. Quite cheery.

This little seating area was in front of the fireplace. Wow...a glass of wine, a good book and the warmth of a fire. Wow! Home Sweet Home!
Once again, thank you Mr. Plute for the sneak preview. You have done a wonderful job so far and we are looking forward to your building being full to the brim! What a "bright spot" for Pendleton!

Raegan and Briley....

Last weekend Briley was having fun playing "Ninja Warrior". He loves doing this and puts on quite a show. Don't ya just love his boots?!!! I know I do!

Miss Raegan is learning how to feed herself. She has discovered finger foods and wants to put them all in her mouth at the same time! Wow! What fun!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Den has surgery!

Yup, Denny had his knee "partially" replaced. He is getting along fine, but there is quite a bit of pain when he tries to bend his knee (which he has to do all the time!) I was glad I got to go down and see him for a few days!

Hey, notice anything different about Dennis? Look at the first photo and then this one and see if you can figure it out. Well, I flunked the test, but knew something wasn't right. Well............he shaved off his moustache. It has been YEARS since I have seen him without one. I told him that I thought he needed to grow it back!

Here is the famous knee. I am looking forward to seeing him walk without a limp or pain. Hang in there guy!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Basketball Weekend With Taylor

It was an interesting weekend of basketball over in LaGrande. Taylor was playing in a basketball tournament there and it was so enjoyable to watch his team progress to the playoffs. Here Raegan is showing the "genetic" interest in basketball!!!!

Oh my, Raegan is on court looking for someone to cover!

Briley was always on the sidelines with his "groopies"!!!

Here is the "Peanut Gallery" watching the game.

Taylor is charging in for a basket!

Oh my, here he comes up the floor for a score!

His team came in second place and won some nice medals. Here Taylor is showing his medal to me.

They were introduced on the floor after the game and were awarded their medals.
Here are the guys after receiving their second place awards. Way to go boys!
Thanks, Taylor, for a wonderful weekend of basketball!

Friday, February 6, 2009

OMG...Look out now!!!!

Congratulations to Tara for getting her Driver's Permit today! Wow! I do want to warn everyone that is out driving and walking along our streets to beware!! Ha! We are proud of you Tara!!! By the way, what took so long?!!!!