Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Last Weekend...

Calli, Raegan and Briley came over for the weekend...wanting to share in family fun! Here is Calli getting ready to go for a ride with her dad on his Harley.

Beau has legs long enough to reach the foot pegs so he gets to go for a ride. Poor Briley, he needs to wait a little longer...his legs are too short!

Here I am with the Princess! She is getting so cute and is cooing and smiling! What a keeper!

Now, just how could anyone resist such personality?!!!

Here Calli is holding her up, but she wants to stand sooo bad!

I can't remember what was so funny, but Tiah and Calli were having a good laugh. Little Raegan, though, doesn't see what's so funny!

Tiah, Calli and I got to go see Mama Mia together. It was fun! I've seen it sooo many times, Tiah has now seen it twice and this was Calli's first time.

All in all...it was a great weekend! We just love it when Calli and family come our way.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Saturday of Round-Up

These photos are all out of order, but this one is of Calli having a great time "bumping" everyone on the bumper cars ride at carnival.

I can't believe this little squirt wanted to do the Drop Zone. He did and he loved it...actually did it three times, I think.

Tiah and Calli decided to be "Pendleton Girls" on Saturday. They had a super time at carnival, but then went to a private party and partied until....

Tiah tried her best to make the kiddies dizzy by making the berry spin.

It was fun trying to catch people as they were riding the Scrambler. Here Calli and Tara strike a pose as they zip by.

Taylor, Megs and Beau loved the Scrambler.

Here is the Drop Zone. Check out how high it went. Pretty tall for a little feller.

Couldn't resist this shot of the Ferris Wheel. Everyone went on it and had a great time. They all didn't want to last year, but became very brave this year.

Calli and Taylor are at the very top of the ride! Calli was actually watching Briley on the Drop Zone right next to them.

Here is little Bri wanting to go on the Zipper. He was too short though. He was pretty disappointed.

Tara found a bench on Main Street just for her! How appropriate! All in all, it was a very special "family day" for all of us. Thanks for the memories!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Friday Night Fun at Round-Up!

Megan and Beau loved the bumper cars at the carnival.

Megs was too big for this ride, but Beau still had growing room.

Miss Megs.

Miss Megs and her trusty steed!

The street was alive with great music and lots of dancing.

It was a beautiful, summer evening.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Westward Ho! Parade of Round-Up

Trish, you look divine!

Jesse Jones is always a treat for the eye!

Governor's Guard comes to Pendleton for the Round-Up every year.

What a beautiful day for a parade!

I can't imagine what it must have been like to travel in one of these things!

Future roper! They start'em out young!

Pendleton's First Citizens, Shirley Michael and Emile Holeman.

Isn't it amazing how people can play instruments while riding horses? Amazing!

It was sooooooo hot watching the parade. There wasn't any shade to be had, but we still enjoyed ourselves. We drank lots of water!!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday Night at PBR...

I don't know how many of you have gone to the R-Up or PBR and know who Flint Rasmussen is. He is a wonderful, energetic, funny entertainer....one of the best! Here he is signing a little boy's cowboy hat. They were sitting in the box right next to us.

This is the beginning of PBR last night. It was super....lots of fireworks (more than Monday night) and much more of a production than Monday, also.

It was fun being in the front row to view this, but our only problem was...the fencing. It was in our way most of the time and we had to "hunker down" to see what was happening. I don't think I would want to purchase these particular tickets ever again...just because of the fencing.

I did get some great shots of Flint as he was singing the "Pendleton Round-Up" song.

He is a real crowd pleaser.

The announcer was popping out some song titles and Flint would act it out. Well, here he is doing the "Titanic"...it was so funny! You just had to be there.

I had a hard time getting action shots as the lighting was so low...it made me have to use a slower shutter speed than I would normally like to use...thus, I didn't have sharp, focused photos. This bull fell with the rider right in front of where we were sitting. He was hurting quite a bit, but made it out of the arena with two guys helping him. I don't think I would ever let my son, brother, uncle or whatever... be a bull rider. Well, that is it for today. Ticket sales have been brisk at the Chamber. All the Chamber girls did lunch from the Thai vendor on Main Street. Mmmmm, quite tasty! See ya later! Let'er Buck!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Monday Night Professional Bull Riding

It's Monday evening of PBR and the bulls are taking in their last few moments of peace and quiet before the event begins and they have to go to work.

Folks are beginning to file in and find their spots for the Monday night event in Pendleton, Oregon. This event is my favorite of Round-Up....so I have tickets again for tonight...only in the front row in the Pit!!! I'm hoping to get up close and personal with my camera.

The sun has set and the lights are coming on...people are beginning to feel the anticipation of what is to come.

The laser show has begun and people are whooping it up! Wow! I just love it!

The fireworks begin and (as you can see in the middle bottom) the laser has begun to set on the letter in the dirt and will light up a greeting from our sponsor.

Here are the words from our sponsor. It is always exciting to see the words in flames.

The Round-Up Court is introduced, along with the bull riders...and the fireworks begin with the laser show taking place. Lots of action and fun!

This is my view during PBR (with my wide angle lens...so things look really far away) from my 13th row seat. I hope you enjoyed my photos....there will be more posted tomorrow morning of tonight's show when I am in the front row....can't wait! Let'er Buck!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Let'er Buck....it's Round-Up Time!

Parks and Recreation float had this wonderful "muscle man" on it's float! He put on quite a show. Hmmmmmmmmmm, wonder who he was?

June Mohrland looked great as a floozie! What a beautiful stagecoach!

This group of ladies won a trophy and looked top notch!

The VFW always looks great at the beginning of the parades!

Our First Citizens for Pendleton, Emile Holeman and Shirley Michael, were honored by riding at the beginning of the parade and representing Pendleton!

This is one of the Pendleton Round-Up's Princesses. She really played with the crowd.

Of course, what can a parade be without the girls of "Happy Canyon?" It is hard to believe it is Round-Up Week...but ready or now...here it comes! Let'er Buck!