Monday, September 24, 2007

Welcome Visitors on Sunday!

Beau and Briley....being boys!

Sunday was so much fun! My daughter, Calli, called on Sunday morning and had the day free so she and my grandson, Briley, came over for the day. It was great having Calli here to visit with. Her extended family is so happy to have her family back in Oregon (they just moved back from Southern California)! With her here, she can hop over(it only takes a two hour drive), spend the day, and return home! We love it!

When she was here I cooked her favorite meal...fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, salad and some sweet corn. Oh yes, we topped the whole thing off with fresh peach pie and ice cream! I know, I know, there are tons of points in this food, but we all deserved to treat ourselves!

Tiah and I took Calli down to Hamley so she could see how beautiful the new restaurant is. We didn't dine there, but did wander around and checked everything out. Calli was very impressed. The coffee shop at Hamley was next on our list. We checked out all the neat stuff you can purchase there and got some great gift ideas. Then, on to the store! We fell in love with many, many beautiful clothes, tack, (I told Calli she needed some tack! Oh yes, she has to get her horse first! Ha!)!!! We had lots of fun, then headed back up to my house for some visiting. The cousins, Briley and Beau, spent a great afternoon enjoying each other's company. Thanks, Calli, for coming over and sharing your day with ours! We loved having you!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Miss Megs Turns 10!!

Miss Megan turned 10 yesterday....still can't believe it. It doesn't seem that long ago I flew to Cheyenne to be with her family when she was born. Wasn't that just yesterday?!!! Miss Meg is a true Gem...we love her to bits.
Now don't you think she makes the perfect Birthday Queen? We all thought she fit the role to a "t"! Her family helped her celebrate the milestone of turning "double digits"...Grandpa Greg, Grandma Trini, Earl, Mom, Dave, Grandma Janice, Kay, Tara and Mr. Beau. The cake was super dooper and the kitty loved the wrapping paper from the presents!
Well, it is on to October and Tara & Beau's big days.
Happy Birthday are one in a million!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fire in the Hills!

Yes, Pendleton had quite an exciting day on Tuesday, Sept. 18th. A fire broke out near Reith and the winds took it over fields to McKay Creek. These photos were taken the morning after the fire and there were trees still smoldering! I think the folks who live in the blackened area have lots to be thankful for as no one lost their home, just a few out buildings! I guess 2, 650 acres were consumed. You can check out a slideshow of the fire on

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Carnival was fun on Friday night!

Last night was a perfect night to be out and about. The temperature was just right! There were quite a few folks down at the carnival...lots of happy kids running around. My grandkids had been looking forward to this evening for a long time and they had a ball!
Tara showed her "driving" skill on the bumper cars. Whew! It was a bumpy, bumpy ride.

Megan and Beau enjoying the little dragon roller coaster. I tried to get them to raise their hands like the big guys do, but they held on tight.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday...Westward Ho! Parade Day

This morning's parade began with this sight! Isn't it awesome! I always get the chills when I see the colors go by in a parade. What a it!
This is the horse they use at the Happy Canyon Pageant when they do the Star Spangled Banner. He is awesome! We watched him at PBR this year and he is sooooo regal! It brought tears to my eyes.
This entry has always been a favorite of mine. Actually, this parade has always been my favorite! I remember this same type entry in the Westward Ho! Parade when I was a small child. It is a crowd pleaser that's for sure. The weather was perfect and the streets were lined with very, very happy folks. Hope everyone is having a GREAT Round-Up! Let'er Buck! ....and on to Saturday!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thursday Morning of Round Up

Uncle Bob Michael got to serve the 2007 Round-Up Court pancakes this morning at the VFW Cowboy Breakfast. He has been doing this for 30 some years and has it down to a science! It was fun having breakfast out in the cold this morning. The temp was cold, but everyone was warm and friendly! We're off to a new start today! Let's have a great one. Let'er Buck!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Whew! This Round-Up Stuff is Hard Work!

Well, it has been a busy, busy day here at the Chamber. We have been selling re-sale tickets like crazy! Our RV sites are filled to the brim and folks are calling for more spaces to rent. Pendleton has exploded!
Tomorrow all the Chamber Girls plan on attending the Cowboy Breakfast at Stillman Park. If you haven't experienced that wonderful Cowboy have missed the boat! See you there!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It's Here! Let'er Buck!

The Dress-Up Parade was beautiful on Saturday, September 8th! This was the official start of Round-Up 2007! Last night I attended PBR and it was fantastic, as always! The bulls were great and the cowboys super! There was one cowboy, though, that had to be carried out on a stretcher as he was knocked out. He ended up with a broken collar bone. We thought it could have been much worse as the actual wreck looked pretty bad.
Anyway, it is off to PBR again tonight!
Those Directors...they work pretty hard!
Let's all take a minute to think about 9-11 and how it has changed our perspective! My prayers go out to our soldiers!

Catch you all later and have a great Round-Up! Let'er Buck!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Wedding was BEAUTIFUL!

Yup! Briana's wedding was casual, yet elegant at the same time! She had a very nice summer day for her wedding...sunny & a little on the hot side. Her wedding was set in the corner of an arena...lots of grass and everyone sat on Main Street Cowboy's benches! Her father, Ben, made a very nice setting for the altar out of wood and covered with a light and breezy fabric. Briana made her entrance on a white horse! She looked grand sitting on top of this horse sidesaddle in her wedding gown! After the wedding everyone was able to gather under some tenting for a nice meal and then we watched the bride and groom cut their cake. The wedding was so nice and I am very happy for Briana and Greg! Wishing them lots of sunny days ahead! I didn't take my camera to the wedding thinking that everyone else would be taking lots of photos. Rats, though, I would have liked to include one in this post, but oh well!