Monday, June 20, 2011

photo of the day...

Where oh where is my new swing? It was ordered in April, promised in May, and still promised! I think the guy is a jerk! If we don't hear from him this evening....Earl is going to Boise to the office of Serenity Solutions (Serenity Swings)! Earl worked hard to get the area set up for the new swing, but hasn't appeared! We have had it up to here!!! It is time to get something done!!!!


Nicki said...

Wow! Earl did a good job! I agree. I would take action, too. Something just isn't right with the delay. I wish you luck. When you do get, please. ☺

Trini said...

He is on his way to Boise this morning....we didn't hear from the guy!

Nicki said...

Let me know what happens. That company should bend over backwards making things right for you. Sounds like their rep conned you and the company. 'Course that's just speculation on my part, but it sure makes you wonder.