Monday, November 12, 2007

Childhood Church in Pilot Rock Burns

Photo by Teona Golden

This photo was taken from the back of the church. You can see the church is totally gone and the house next to it is gutted.

These photos were taken about 11:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, Nov. 11th. We had been having breakfast at Denny's and someone had told us about the after breakfast we went to Pilot Rock to view the damage. I was amazed, dazed, astounded at the loss!

I remember seeing my daughter, Tiah, and her "new" husband after their wedding on these steps! It just seems so final!

I couldn't resist this shot. The cornerstone of the church with the police tape in front...along with the black remains of the church on top of the cornerstone.

I guess the fire may have started in the church around 4-4:30 a.m. Neighbors across the street awoke to their dogs barking and went to quiet them. When opening their draperies they saw the church all aflame. The house next to the church (I remember as the Charlie Carnes home) was also destroyed.


Nicki said...

The devastation and loss deepens each time I see these photos. I am thankful that all the old-timers who were the foundation of that church didn't live to see it's demise. It's truly heart-wrenching for all of us who grew up in that church.

Ronda said...

So very sad for the community of Pilot Rock. So very thankful that no one was hurt.

I am thinking that the EO needs to have you as a photographer. The picture of the police tape in front of the cornerstone is awesome!