Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Holiday.....whew!

I hope everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving Holiday. My day was spent at my daughter, Tiah's, house and boy, did we eat the goodies! She is a very good cook and did a wonderful job in preparing the feast. We had all the traditional foods and every dish was delicious. This photo is of Tiah contemplating Christmas tree lights. Yup, she put up her tree that evening. The kiddies had a great time and were very excited! Check out Dallas dog...he is covered in tree lights and didn't even budge!

In going through the decorations Megan and Beau found the Christmas hats, but what is that....Megan found the lump of coal! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm....

Tara thought maybe her mom needed some reindeer antlers!

Turn about is fair play Tara!

Tara and mom were discussing putting up a "real" tree this year. Tara was all for it, but Tiah was ready to put up the old standby artificial tree. Tiah won! Really though, it isn't over...Tara may still get her way!!!

Dave got busy and put up the yard and house decorations. They look very good Dave!

I think the Griswolds live here....don't you? Very nice!!!

Oh Tiah, the lights are for the tree!!! You can get lit up in other ways...
It was a great holiday weekend. Tiah and I ventured off to the Tri-Cities on Friday. Yup...we did!!! We left at 0 dark thirty and were in Fred Meyer at 6 am! It was fun, but we did find a few stores with lines that were unbelievable...we just left those stores. We totally ignored the Columbia Center Mall...for obvious reasons. Tiah got some great deals that made the trip worth while. We had a very nice lunch at Azteca and after refueling, we hit a few more stores. Now...on to Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How fun for you!