Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Paddy's Day at the Rainbow

Well, for those of you who have never experienced the traditional celebration of St. Patrick's Day at the Rainbow in Pendleton, you have totally missed out on one of Pendleton's fun experiences. With the time change, it seems like it is 0 dark 30 before the fun begins, but before you know it everyone is inside singing, raising a glass or two, eating breakfast, dancing and just having fun. Next year you need to plan on attending. The parade starts at 6:55 in the morning...don't be late!

Rolinda and Yolanda are waiting for the parade to begin. Now, don't they look like they are dressed for a great time....wearing of the GREEN!

The excitement mounts outside the Rainbow as everyone is waiting for the parade to begin.
Here comes the shortest parade in history. It happens every year, one half block, from Hamley's to the Rainbow!

The proclamation is being made..."Let's Drink" resounds down Main Street and everyone enters the Rainbow Cafe and Bar for the beginning of a great St. Patrick's Day! Isn't is funny how everyone can become Irish on this day?!!!

Here is Me and Yolanda ... ready to begin our fun morning!

The staff is busy mixing those FREE Irish Coffees!

What a fun place to be.

Here is Jill Heffner's group next to our table.

All the ladies got a green carnation corsage and everyone received FREE Irish Coffees! Boy, were they mixed STRONG! I had two....oops....did I say that?!!! What a way to start St. Paddy's Day!

Gina belted out a wonderful "Danny boy!"

Gina dancing with Shaw!

Joanne...what a green 'stash you have!

This is Joe Lysek's table. Lots of fun going on here.

Cheers Rolinda! We hope you all had a wonderful time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed it!