Monday, March 9, 2009

Sunday Fun!!!

Sunday we ventured to Union to watch Miss Megan play basketball. It was great to see how much she has improved! Her team won both games!!! Here Pilot Rock gets the rebound. Megs is number 8.

Our Miss Megs got this one!

Megan is shooting for two!

Up for two more!

Traveling over the Blues we met up with the snow plow. Of course, they were sanding at the same time!!!! Lots of gravel hit the car.

Meacham wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. About an hour earlier it was snowing like crazy on this stretch of the road.

Rocket (Jerry's new dog) went with us to the game. He is about 8 weeks old and is a beautiful German Shepherd. Here he is giving me the "brown eyes"!

We stopped along the side of the road to give Rocket a "rest". Here he is with Jer and Beau. He is beginning to grow into his ears. Soon they will be standing tall.
After the game everyone came to the house for a chicken dinner. Calli and Raegan even came over from Baker City. It was fun to have everyone together. Thanks guys!

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